Not too long ago, Mr. Hands asked a few questions for me to think about and possibly write about, so with some free time on my hands, I decided to finally dive into that.
What inspires you to write?
I really have enjoyed writing for a long time. I used to fill pages upon pages on my diaries when I was younger. Thinking about it now I am kind of sad that I have not kept them. I would love to have a peek in the head of my younger self sometimes. After my diaries, I started writing stories. Solo, but also collaborative with another friend, old fashioned with pen and paper. I also started writing letters with three penpals: One in The United Kingdom, one in Poland and one in the United States of America. This is one of the reasons why my English was very well developed at a young age. Lastly, I began to roleplay (or as I call it write collaboratively) via e-mail and later MSN, ICQ, Kik messenger, Discord and even on Black Dahlia.
What do you want to be remembered for?
I am not sure. I do not have a lot of friends or family, but for my children, I hope they will remember me for being a caring mother that always did her best to build them up and give them the best life possible. Other then that I would love to leave my mark as a creative soul and I would like to be remembered for the words I managed to put into writing, but maybe also in my crafts.
What is your favorite thing(s) to write about?
My favorite topic by far is romance. I have a huge weak spot for romance in all its facets, even with sometimes the hardships that can come when people are fractured due to all sorts of past trauma and events. I love to build characters with layers and a raw edge. I am not afraid to let it go a bit dark even, but ultimately I will always strive for a happy ending.
If you want to be a writer, let yourself be known!
I am not sure what the correct path to walk in thisw is, but aside from having my website, I am currently looking into refining my writing skill by getting some selfstudying done. I am happy to expand my knowledge and would love to have a career as a selfemployed writer, if I only had an idea about how to start.
Those were the questions that were asked in the comments and I hoped they were answered properly. I have yet to describe a typical day in the life of a Dutch mom, but I will do so the first week of September when my girls are going back to school (they are both excited about that!)
So for now, just drop me a comment if you have anything else you would like to learn about me or have an idea for what I could write about.
-x Dutch
Very nice article, Miss. I enjoyed reading it and of course I’ve subscribed to your updates. I think you’re on a good path. Take care, my friend.